Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tale of a TV Appearance

I went on the Morning Show this week to talk about being celibate. If ever you would like to attract the jobless freaks of the nation – do what I did!

won't lie, as much as I would never look twice at the men who have aimed high and hoped for love through Facebook, I will admit, I've enjoyed seeing the few hopefuls email me through the site, convinced that they had experienced love at first sight and shared my ideals on having sex after marriage.

A message to all; Facebook is not a dating website! I will not R.S.V.P to your dream-date, we will not fall madly in love online without me seeing you face to face (and I won’t see you face to face if you look anything like your profile pic) and if you think I’d give complete access to my photos, friends and thoughts to a stranger you are more dumb than that Hungry Jacks’ uniform makes you look.

Here’s the clip if you’d like to see what Larry, Kylie, sexologist Nikki Goldstein and I spoke about.
 For everyone who has seen it, HUGE thanks for being so supportive and encouraging (I feel like I'm Oprah after all of this praise). It’s just a tiny step towards my dream career (and maybe love… I can dream).

When Paula, the producer of the segment prepared the briefing notes on this chat she wrote what I think is my finest report card yet:

  “Miriam has plenty of opportunities with men she meets, and is immediately honest about her opinions towards sex.  She says if they can't cope with her decision then it wasn't meant to be.
She wants to wait for her husband and sees this as a measure of the love she'll hold for him.

 It doesn't matter if her husband isn't a virgin when they meet - as long as he is then happy to abstain until their wedding night.

She doesn't feel she's missing out on experiences

 Miriam hopes there's a nice guy out there who has the same attitude to life she does - she's keen to meet him!

She was right and this story is still evolving.

At the end of my chat with the Morning Show hosts, Kylie commented - "as an older woman, I feel like it's my duty to tell Miriam that when you get married you don't have sex, so the poor girl will spend her whole life without it." It was a funny follow up on television but in my blog, I always get the last word. 

If I had had the chance to reply my response  would have been that perhaps sex stops in marriage for previously sexually active couples because they've already been there and done that. 

In my marriage, I'll be introducing an exciting and new aspect to my relationship and we'll be infatuated with each other all over again because of it. If he's not experienced (then he's a rare gem)and our first time will be a laugh but we'll have a lifetime to perfect it.  At least we'll both rest securely in the fact that he'll be the best I ever had....everytime.  

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