Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The perfect pout....on Men

pout 1 (pout)
v. pout·ed, pout·ing, pouts
1. To exhibit displeasure or disappointment; sulk.
2. To protrude the lips in an expression of displeasure or sulkiness.
3. To project or protrude.

When Angelina Jolie's perfect pout went global and the use of collagen became the new black to achieve it - I never in a million years would have thought that men would proudly parade the pout too!
The problem with this is the perfect pout is creeping up on every profile picture of every potential boyfriend on every social networking site I'm connected on. The perfect pout is proving enormously imperfect for me.
I'm beginning to realize I have a type. It's not an uncommon type so I know you'll get it - I like them tall, dark and handsome - and occasionally I attract them.

We get talking – then take it to the next level (meaning we become Facebook friends).  I add them, I scroll through photos, and then I bear witness to their pouting.

Then I pout (but not in the same way - more in a damn-it here comes another pretty boy way).
I'm not sure what possessed these pouters but as far as I'm concerned the pouting has to come to a halt.
You see, I was speaking to a very attractive, very intelligent, very accomplished man - his laugh was likable, his looks were too, his intelligence ticked the third important box and just as I started to fall head over heels, his profile photo ensured I stayed firmly seated - this relationship would go no further. This relationship COULD go no further.

It's future was tarnished by his flirting faux pas - the profile photo and the pout within. He's one of many men to disappoint in this arena.
Unless you're Derek Zoolander or satirizing the satire - your pout should have no place on my news feed.

My girlfriend’s and I make fun of the girls that pout so you boys should feel free to as well, but I take issue when every photo of you has you sporting that look.
You may think I'm being petty and superficial but this is serious business!

If  'A picture says a thousand words' then a photo of a man pouting says; I endorse collagen, I'm a little bit in love with myself, I'm all about hooking up, I'm a tad feminine to which I say;
I've lost all interest!
Few people proudly post unflattering images of themselves on Facebook, Twitter or MySpace. They put their best face forward because if they are being searched for or stalked by a love interest, they'd like you to poke them, like them or positively comment on them. With that knowledge it puzzles me to see pouts proudly posted as a person's best face.
The pout in men is the perfect example of how social networking sites are stifling romance and relationships. It exposes us to too much before a relationship has any time to develop but in this world with so many choices to make and so little time to make them, it's imperative that we see and know more fairly quickly, in order to make the best and most informed decision in every aspect of our lives.
While I agree that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, I'm puzzled when the book has chosen a cover that inspires such judgment.
Social networking is socially not-working for me - but surely I can't be the only woman who is passing on the pout.


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