Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is not about men; it's about YOU!!!

I was at work on Friday and for those aware of my delightful shiftwork, you’d know I start at 2.30 in the morning and so we do whatever it takes to keep ourselves awake at this ungodly hour. This morning I was working with one of my more contemplative and spiritually in touch colleagues.

We read our horoscopes and although neither of us religiously prescribes to psychics forecasts of our future, yesterday’s prediction was worth paying attention to for the self-evaluation it offered and the discussion that ensued.

After a week of typically overworking and exhausting myself, my horoscope said that yesterday in particular an old flame would be reignited, this time the sparks would illuminate a new passion, new lessons and I’d emerge more luminescent and less burns victim.

Love, this week was not about falling prey to old predators, it was not about being a carnivorous man-eater either, it was about welcoming me back into my life. This is not a self-righteous, holier-than-thou lesson but just a lesson in caring for myself so that I still had something to give back.

The fact is in life, women have a tendency to over-commit themselves whether it be socially, at work, in family or trying to strike a balance between all three. While personal training this week, my punches were weak, forceless, without strength (not me at all) and my trainer commented that I had run out of fuel. In truth, my lights were out, I’d run out of fuel, my battery was dead and I think I was even a little short on water – it’s no wonder we couldn’t get the engine running.

What I realised was that in trying to be  superhuman, I was so busy saving everyone and faking invincibility that when it came to saving myself, I’d lost all power to do so. There was one question inspired by a song I was listening to that echoed perpetually in my mind; who’s there to save the hero?

The lyrics to Beyonce’s “Save the Hero” sing:

I'm left with no shoulder
But everyone wants to lean on me.
I guess I'm their soldier.
Well, who's gonna be mine?

Who's there to save the hero
When she's left all alone
And she's crying out for help.
Who's there to save the hero
Who's there to save the girl…
After she saves the world?
(listen here ). Beyonce has a point!

This is in no way me advocating for women around the world to end the sisterhood and stop supporting each other but rather a call for women who are so consumed in being the hero to take a step back and remember to care for themselves. I’ve said it before and will say it again; you are your best asset, so you’re worth investing that extra time and effort in caring for before bitterness becomes you after being dangerously negligent of yourself. I know I’m channeling Dr. Phil or your grandmother, but this is important!

In Cherie Cater-Scott’s #1 New York Times bestseller If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules, Scott gave the world ten rules for climbing the ladder, standing taller and overcoming life’s challenges. The rules are as old as love itself and the first one for true long-lasting, core-shaking love is to begin by loving yourself first. 

After twenty-five years of conducting workshops and seminars, Chérie discovered that the most important and therefore probably the most difficult to understand and attain is the acquisition of love and then finding contentment with that partnership.

You’ve heard it reiterated a million times “love is the thing” and everyone is looking for it or looking for ways to sustain it. The onus falls on you in this game to make your first move towards love by loving yourself.

Central to the way people respond to you and to your capacity to love is the relationship you have with yourself. The highest common factor in all of your life experiences; family, friends, love, relationships, work, is YOU!! That is why chapter one of her book is centred on nurturing that relationship.

That loving relationship you form with yourself inspires confidence to be yourself, security in your judgements and lack of compromise to things lesser than you deserve.

Whether you are an Aquarius or not, I’ll make my own prediction for your future; if you invest in you, you will have the energy to give love to others and will have it duly returned to you. Health is wealth so love yourself and experience new prosperity.

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