Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love Lessons from Little Miss Sunshine and Friends

What happens when the magic fizzles with Mr Right-now? When after weeks of flirtation, the object of your affection only wants to look affectionately at somebody else? The lights are out the shades are dim and the prospects of a new love life become grim - back to square one.

This week I'm going back to basics - back to square one and learning my lessons from children's books (they have more to offer in love and wisdom than an episode of Oprah - you'd be surprised)!!

It was my birthday last week and a gorgeous friend of mine; George Tillianakis (unfortunately for me, this one’s gay)  bought me three Little Miss books that he thought best described my character; Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Magic and Little Miss Wise. So sweet!

So this week with lessons from Oprah, the little Miss series and experience, I armed myself with answers to my question...what happens when phase 1 of flirtation is over? Compromise? Experiment? Misery?

It's at this point that you have to think outside the box to catch and keep your potential husband. This sounds bizarre given that you can't think "husband" after meeting every guy but after every guy you meet you can narrow down the search to a list of qualities that you want and are unwilling to compromise...that's "The Secret" and in love, life and celebrity everyone from nobody friends to somebody celebrities attest to the perfect love that comes to you as you say a prayer, write a wish and wait on providence.

The Secret to “The Secret,” the book that is, is clarity. Know what you want, be unwilling to compromise those values and what you want will come to you because the positive energy that you radiate will attract the same qualities.

Little Miss Magic knows a thing or two about this because "when she tells something to do something, it does it." I like her authority.

Little Miss Sunshine always exudes positivity and metamorphosed Miseryland into Laughterland. Upon returning to Mr Happy she retold the story of her trip to Miseryland where happiness, laughter and chuckling were disallowed.

“Miseryland?” questionned Mr Happy

“I never knew a place like that existed.”

“It doesn’t” smirked, little Miss Sunshine because Miseryland was what she made it.

I read this one on Valentine’s day and it reminded me not to travel there, because positivity was the only place I knew. Just as I thought I’d learnt all I could from the Little Miss series, Little Miss Wise stepped in with a lesson.

"On Wednesday Little Miss Wise refused to get into Mr Busy's racing car.... She didn't want to have an accident."

On Thursday she refused to go into Mr Messy’s house.

" If I go into his house, I will get dirty" she said to herself

On Friday she refused to play tennis with Mr Silly. Smart girl not wanting to play with balls.

“I can't say no to everyone” she thought so she finally gave Mr Mischief a go.

“Mr Mischief gave her sneezing powder and she used 199 tissues to get better,” proving he was a bit of a Mr Silly himself.  

You know exactly where these lessons led me on Valentine’s day, away from Miseryland like Little Miss Sunshine, knowing what I wanted and demanding it like Little Miss Magic and all the wiser and unwilling to compromise with the Mr Silly’s and Messy’s of the world thanks to Little Miss Wise, George Tillianakis and my new little “Secret.”

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