Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Supermarket Seduction

You know that Michael Buble song “I just haven’t met you yet” that all unfolds in a supermarket aisle, that had you apply your lip-gloss before you stepped into Coles or fix your hair when that cute guy brushed past you in a shopping aisle, even though you knew, in real life things didn’t happen that way? Well they do!

I had my Michael Buble moment about a week ago, but my guy wanted boobs (and to get) laid, rather than the Buble romance I was hoping for. The event got me thinking; how do we single girls weed out the gentlemen from the germy ones and when is it safe to take risks on romance? 

This man was seemingly everything perfect from a superficial stance; he was tall, muscular, in a suit, a Financial Adviser at the Commonwealth Bank and a suitable age; the Corporate Banker however, was a corporate wanker (excuse the French) and I had my hands tied, so we were never going to work out. 

Was it desperate of dateless me to accept a date from a stranger in a supermarket or should we wear our hearts on our sleeves hoping to meet a cardiologist to restore it to its original place and keep it beating? 

Love is something that perplexes all of us – lust is easy, but love is ‘what the world needs.’ About 1,830,000,000 results explode onto our screens from a google search of the word ‘love,’’ 
how to tell if a guy likes you’ yields a whopping 27,400,000 results and of those millions of tortured hearts, I bet all are still searching for an answer, to that one person who is the exception to every rule book. 

I believe nothing valuable comes easily, and the gain of love is worth this seemingly futile struggle. With Jane Austen in my hand, Celine Dion on my Ipod (don’t judge) and Cinderella on my mind, I’m going to be the bastion for happy-endings, and you hopeless romantics will continue to read my blog for the musings on where to find our Romeo or Juliet….with a happier ending I hope.

In the meantime, I’ll blame Disney for my high expectations of men, and my male audience can blame Mattel. 

Let the search for perfection continue; believe and be. 

Yours sincerely (for now),

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AJmKkU5POA (Michael Buble's song - where the delusion began)

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