Sunday, November 28, 2010

Summer Lovin'

It’s summer in Sydney and the heat is on and my question while the sun is shining and our skin is bare is; how safe is it to play with fire? That old flame is lingering, dancing (very well) in your mind and twirling up a disco inferno. 

You know the type. 

He’s that man you’ve held a penchant for for weeks, months, years even. He’s always charming, ever-friendly and never flawed – so you can’t catch him up on anything and the saucy news is he’s at a party near you, salsa dancing with your friend. This man enjoys the chase but you’re unsure if he’s still running after you because if he is after all this time you're thinking what great endurance he must have to be running this marathon.  You keep waving that finish-line-flag in a desperate bid to stop the games. 

In the silly season that we are in do we run with it, let our hair and guard down, enjoy the festive flirt and then lament our loneliness later, or, do we stay sensible so there’s no damage control or heartbreaking New Year’s resolutions to remake and possibly re-break?

My disco-dancer is footloose. He just can’t stop toe-tapping around me. He is a round the clock thought, a year round whirlwind and no weatherman could have ever predicted the natural disaster that would become of me. I play it cool these days, I played it smart (I thought) back then and he just played…everyone and everything around me. I'm persistent - a great strength and weakness - so I waited and smiled my way politely into friendship territory and now I’m stuck as the BFF when all I wanted was to be the GF….. and subsequent wife (but that was in the fine print). 

There’s my issue. 

It’s the so far eternal struggle to find the man who will keep his pants on, his hands out of his pants and his arms happily around me without an upward or downward slide. As a girl saving herself for marriage (we’re a dying few) and unwilling to compromise, it’s difficult to find a man who’s happy to love you for you, without ‘bed-loving’ you first. That crush of yours predatory and unable to wait, taunts you with his manly charm and primitively delivers his mating call. He appears EVERYWHERE as your forbidden fruit. 

As complex as it may be, it's not rocket science. We all know summer fruits are best had in their season. 

If they’re overripe they don’t satiate your desire and if they’re pre-season, they’re sour and unwelcome. BUT... in summer – they’re sweet, refreshing and can be shaken or stirred in a cocktail of your choice. 

I think I’ve just answered my question and resolved to let this fire burn, baby, burn. 

The worst that could come of this is that a cute fireman will come to my rescue and we ALL love a man in uniform!

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