Saturday, March 10, 2012

I’ve got a love that keeps me waiting! Waiting…waiting!

I’ve got a love that keeps me waiting! Waiting…waiting!

That song has been stuck in my head for weeks. Three guesses why?

I strive for many virtues but patience is not one of them. I have none of it. It’s overrated. I’m Gen y and I want things when I want them (sorry Rosa you have permission to laugh if you’re reading this)). I can appreciate the merits of waiting. I can understand from a rational perspective why when you wait for something you are more grateful for its existence in your life because of the wait, but all of the reasoning in the entire world will not convince me that I’m ok to wait for a response from this fellow right now. I’ll get it tomorrow. Or next week but by then he runs the risk of me being over him. 

It’s not that I’m fickle. I just get frustrated with reading between the lines. I read enough. I read ALL day. I already have poor vision and now I have to squint between lines to read miniscule text that may not even be applicable to me? Is that a joke?!

We're all time-short so to combat that, I’m very straight-talking. Not interested in wasting precious minutes on the wrong person but I'll happily use them all up on you. Correction - I have happily been using/investing them in thinking of you. Please make it worth this doting.

 I’m open.

 I’m honest.

 If you ask me a question, I’ll tell you the truth. Reason being, if you live honestly (I do), you have nothing to hide (I don’t) but that somehow doesn’t exempt me from the rules of dating. I hate the rules.

Someone asked me a few days ago if when I wrote about friends I was actually writing about myself. No. Not true. I write about friends when they've allowed me to and I write about myself pretty openly when my paranoia allows me to. I wish my love life was that eventful! That rambunctious... except when I’m writing about cheating or break ups. I want none of that.

Last week I wrote for all of us women who have labored over love. Most of you agreed that it was too harsh a criticism of the playful men we have dated but my blog is called RAW because, apart from being an awesome made up acronym for what I write about, it’s also about RAW emotion – the unfiltered stuff. I discuss the pleasures and the pain of relationships and I don’t apologise for it. It’s honest and it’s real. It’s raw and it’s mine. If you disagree, write your own blog. Or tell me. Both will do. I will happily learn from you.

This week I really raw-ly wish this fellow would get cracking.

Fellow! I can see all of your good qualities. They are many and I’m adamant I’d be a better person for having you in my life but waiting for you is making me ugly (and old –yuck)!

I won’t be able to do it forever and I don’t love you but I think I could. To call it love off the bat is a bit too intense. I like you (which means more because you don't have to like everyone). I love you in the sense that if you were crossing the road and about to get hit by a bus, I’d save you – but I’d do that for anyone so it’s not exceptional love....but it could be. It’s more of a love thy neighbour sort of thing. Do you want to be neighbours? We’d see each other a lot more then instead of just sporadically.

Speaking of all that is sporadic… PICK UP THE PHONE! Not daily (or daily if you want to) but even just once in a while will do for now. You told me ages ago that I was good conversation. I know I am. I’ve based my career on it. Let’s talk!

After I have written this blog, I will be over waiting because I would have released all of my anxieties in this post. I am a page past caring.

Neurotic? A little. Passionate? Like you’ve never known. Obsessive? Hmmm…if we treat it like a character quirk rather than a sign of neurosis, maybe that could make it ok?!

I write plenty on the flaws of others so I guess it’s my turn to point the finger at myself. Aside from the above idiosyncrasies – I’m a control freak. It’s so out of hand that even the guy who makes me lunch thinks so. AND TOLD ME!

But this can be an awesome trait. It means I’m very particular about how things are done. It means more often than not I’ll do things myself. This means you’ll have more time to watch the game and do your man things. Isn't that nice! You’ll have SO MUCH spare time. It will be great. You’ll love it and you’ll love me. 

I am stubborn as hell. Imagine how much patience that will teach you. You’ll be so humble by the end of our relationship (which is only when one of us goes to our maker). This has to be for life buddy. I don't think I could handle having you temporarily. I’m practically your ticket to heaven because of all of the virtues you’ll acquire being with me.

I have foot-in-mouth disease. I say the wrong thing all the time. I also say the right thing a lot of the time too though and at least that means you’ll never need to guess what I’m thinking. No mind games – ANOTHER plus! Hooray!

I’m possessive. I’ll want to see you often but that’s way better than not wanting to see you at all. Especially if we’re together. We would have been so good together…


… I wasn’t so impatient. SO I’ve waited a few weeks and two pages of a blog and now I’m done.

Yep. Over it!

                                                                  Now I'm into this guy:


  1. Dear Miriam,

    As someone who has known you for years, I need to step in and say that you really short-change yourself sometimes. You're caring, passionate and really know what you want- which means nobody's time is ever wasted. You laugh when I laugh, cry when I cry and have incredible wisdom which is God-given, because you're able to relate to things you haven't even experienced yet with such incredible perspective. Don't wait for anyone. Just continue to be you. The person who sees you will fall in love and win the relationship lottery, because if your girlfriend feels complete having you in her life, then the man in your life will feel whole.
    Love you and your honest, pure heart.

  2. Oh Miriam! That was awesome! & funny! You are an awesome catch! I struggle with patience too but all in due time my darling. You're beautiful! I LOVE!:-)
