Monday, March 5, 2012

Grow up Douchebag!

I've written before that I understand from a male's perspective why you would hesitate to settle down. A fun night here or there, a different girl or guy to hang out with daily, a different scene, a new party, a lack of attachments, an altogether good life but at some point you need to look beyond what is menial and think about your legacy. Who do you want to be? When will you be it? When will a future with someone be more important than a life on your own? What will all of these reckless, empty nights mean when everybody stops singing to your tune?

This is an open letter to all of the douchebags you ladies have had to put up with and an apology for the heartbreak they caused you.

In recent months, I have heard the most shocking series of breakup stories I’d ever come across. Nobody wants to fight for love, they all just want to fight. Others are left with no choice but to leave because of the unforgivable deal-breakers that break trust and evaporate love in a relationship. As a big believer in love, I will admit, the negative stuff shakes your faith a little. While we all hope and pray and believe in the greater good, the greater male community (or just the ones we’ve crossed paths with) prefer to be bad in epic proportions and while it’s never good form to trash your ex…they’re not my exes, so I’m going for gold on behalf of my friends.

Here goes…

Dear Douche,

You're not a bad guy. We say that because we want to believe that our investment in you was worth it. It wasn't but against our better judgement we believed that you'd grow up and out of the phase you were in. You didn't.

You grew older but age somehow bypassed your brain. All of those brash nights out with your brainless bachelor friends will do that to you.

Those long wish lists we had when we were eighteen reduced because somehow by default our self-esteem dropped with everyday that we were with you until you felt enormous and we felt minuscule.

It became increasingly difficult to love you when you constantly let us down. You didn't care. When you thought you had us, you reverted to your old ways. You stopped putting in the effort to be better. You stopped valuing us. It became about you again. It's what you knew best.

Maybe you didn't have the capacity to love in the way we had loved you. Maybe you did but simply didn't want to give us your heart. We spent days, months even years pining over you and just as long getting over you. It took you seconds to replace us.

You gave it all up for a lifetime of hollow nights out. You gave up purity of heart for a few fleeting and flattering words.  You gave up joy for lust. You gave up love for youth. You gave up youth to temptation. You gave up a future to build yourself a past. Was it worth it?

We stopped waiting. So did the girls you hooked up with.

Everyone was searching for love while you sought superficiality. You might settle down one day but you'll be much older. You won't be wiser. You have no brain cells left to make that possible.

You'll find a girl who is content with your lukewarm heart. Those that seek true love will look far beyond you for it. You will lead separate lives because you've spent your whole life living for you and when you circle the earth searching for the one who completes you, she won't be there - because you never were. This is the bed you made for lie in it.

You’ll find something, but I doubt it will be happiness because you failed at giving it and when you're too old to hit the clubs, when the girls you know become the girls you knew when the friends you have become the friends you had - will that life you chose be worth it?

We may have cried for a week, a month, a year but you will be replaced. Eventually you will feel like a figment of our imagination. It may take you a little longer to feel our grief, if you feel at all, but what you did and what you will always do, will catch up with you. We accept now that you cannot change and we’re just glad not to be waiting anymore. We get it. Finally.

You never realised what was in front of you. Sure enough, someone smarter than you will. That's when we'll be the ones that got away, but we'll be too far away for you to ever reach us.

You lost when you were so used to scoring. Foul play should keep you on the sidelines forever.  We still pray you one day grow to be the person we hoped. If not for us, then for the gratification that the effort we put in was worth it for someone.

We've been patient. We have waited for you to grow up. We have believed in your goodness. We've seen your potential for perfection but potential is nothing when everything you are is everything other than what you should be. You don't want to change. You never will. Because of that, we'll never want you twice. 

We accept we can never lose what we never had so this is no loss at all.

Good riddance and goodbye. 


  1. I feel like maybe you are taking it all much too seriously, and somewhat ignoring the faults of the female half. People are allowed to be young, there is nothing wrong with living for yourself when you are young, how else can you find out who you are, what you want and who you want to be? You certainly can't find that out when you have to live for someone else, when you have to put someone else before yourself. Unfortunately hearts are broken, but love is a game, not in the sense of playing people, but in the sense that you cannot be willing to enter without being ready to lose. Not everyone wins straight away, people have to work hard, face problems and have their heart broken. It sucks, but it's the truth. Women are not damsels in distress, they can take care of themselves just as well as boys, they can fight and defend themselves just like their male counterparts. There are two sides to every story and to lay the blame only on men I think is unfair. And to expect a fairytale relationship with 100% devotion from the man to his 'queen' or 'princess' you are living in a world that does not exist. Relationships are not easy and no one is perfect, you have to be ready to accept the faults of the other person, as opposed to waiting around for perfection, because that, will never come.

    1. Very fair point. You would be serious too if you heard the stories I've listened to. I totally accept that there are faults that women have and am fully aware that not everything is a fairytale but I do believe that living selfishly for too long isn't beneficial to a relationship. This is also a blog that I want people to enjoy and to do that I need to add emotion (that's why it's called RAW) . I'm single so know that women are just fine on their own and know that not being with these guys is better than being unhappy however if I just accept that men are bad and women are bad and that we all make mistakes all the time, I won't have much to write about.

  2. Annonymous says it best. Girls who are attracted to dbags need to take a look at themselves.

    Nice guy with confidence here, still waiting to find a girl who values my time more than the typical dbag they fall for. I need somewhere to go where I'll fine the stable, non-dbag girls...
