Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year, New You, New Men, New Me!

 If even Jennifer Hawkins can be dumped, the hope for relationship stability seems slim – even slimmer than her! Make no mistake she was dumped by retail giant Myer not her hunky boyfriend Jake Wall. Myer gave Jen Hawkins the boot (Read the article here: and not the fashionable kind, giving her the ‘it’s-not-you-it’s-your-agent’ line. The agent declined to comment and so far on the last day of 2010, Jennifer Hawkins hasn’t said a word in her defence. Their’s a lesson here….their always is; to put an end to unhealthy relationships in 2011. New Year’s Resolution # 1

The second lesson to learn is not to accept being treated as less than what you know you’re worth. Whether or not Jen Hawkins is the diva that some speculate she is we can all identify with a situation where in a relationship we were undervalued or underappreciated. Not in 2011!

The reason why we won’t settle for anything less than perfection is because the trusted news Gods at CNN have forewarned us that the universally iconic midnight kiss may pave the way to a year of good fortune or bad luck.  They warn against drunken and thus blind, lip-locking. Kissing experts tell us if we act swiftly but unwisely that lack of intelligence will follow us through 2011. You wouldn’t be stupid enough to force stupidity’s hand just because you were stupefied by that hazily handsome man at the New Year’s Eve fireworks would you? (Watch the report here:

In Sydney, the New Years Eve celebrations are themed around big changes; they declare to New Years Eve revellers to ‘make their mark” – not just on someone else’s face but on the world, and no one ever did the latter, blind drunk. Resolutions # 3 and 4 – don’t kiss frogs, only princes and make your mark – don’t deny what is pre-destined because of pre-mixed drinks.

If it is true that love comes when you’re not looking for it then this year, ‘make your mark’ on the world, in your family, in the office even, because, as your changing the world, all eyes will closely watch you and in the corner you’re not looking, will be that person waiting for you to notice their adoration for you and you don’t want them looking on while your kissing a New Years Eve mistake.

Yahoo released a Top Ten list of what we were most obsessed with this year and Jersey Shore sat comfortably in the Top 5. While I will admit to subscribing to this side-splittingly funny, mind-numbing show, I’ll suggest that we let Mike “The Situation” make our stupid mistakes for us while we look on in awe and relief at the fact that we know better and in 2011, do better. ( )

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