Tuesday, June 19, 2012

That Thing You Do....

I know I’ve created a bit of a reputation for myself as a man-hater. I know because the men that read this have told me so. I'm here to set the record straight....that couldn’t be further from the truth. You’re only going to speak so passionately about something if you genuinely care for it. That ‘it’ for me, is the entire male race. You have me in a headspin most days. I’m frustrated with you for at least three quarters of the year, but I’m simultaneously besotted with you. I think you're fabulous and I love how happy you've made my friends and family. You've even tugged at my heartstrings here and there. 

Although it’s loads of fun to man-bash, this week’s blog is about celebrating the goodness of the men in our lives (and it's not even father's day.... how cute is that).

The good thing about being single is that this means I can draw inspiration from all the men in my life to list the reasons why we love them...and they are many.

1.     The first and the simplest of assets are their good looks.
…. Seriously, I could look at them all day.

Ryan Gosling you look dapper in a suit. Man oh man at a man in a suit (another star quality).
They don't just look good in suits - they also look fabulous when fit and shirtless. Thank you David Gandy and thank you Dolce & Gabbana. 

They can have talent and be good looking AND be in a suit all at once. I'm looking at you Chris Hemsworth ( Still pains me that I missed meeting him at the office today). 

They don't even need to wear suits if they have scrubs (Patrick Dempsey)... however if they scrap scrubs for a bow tie - they will right every wrong in your life. 

If you are lucky and lost on an island - this is what you'd get to look at and love. Thank you Matthew Fox

Tough pick ladies. 

My pleasure. Thank me later.

2.    I'm not completely superficial however. I do recognise that they have capacity for many other great things. They fix things. From the surgeons to the sparkies - We love ya! However, when I googled hot electrician or hot surgeon (I couldn't find a single one that wasn't famous).  

3.     They’re protective. Few people will feel as indignant about you being cheated, hurt, lied to or taken advantage of but the men in your life will be just as cranky and will always offer to fight for your honour. They are honourable. 

4.     They’re great sportsmen and great to play with. They will encourage you. They will push you beyond your limitations. They will play to your strengths and they will inspire you to aspire to greatness. They also still look amazing mid-workout and covered in sweat. I'm so into sports....

see-! I'm pretty sure Cristiano is praying to meet me in this photo. 

5.     They give you this cute little wink that says you’ll be ok when you’re looking for your cheer squad. That wink is always enough. 

6.     They’re great listeners (warning this is a rare quality. A good listener exists in 1 in every 500 men *statistics in this blog are guesstimates). 

7.     They say exactly the right thing when you need to hear it most. It won't be sugar-coated. It won't be flowery. It will be the truth and it will mean everything when you hear it.

8.     They won’t bother arguing about menial things (that waits till after marriage). 

9.     They won’t hold grudges (that waits till after marriage too). .

10. They love a good chat and a good gossip just as much as we do (this is eternal).

11. The funny ones are side splittingly funny. These ones are unfailingly the best company.  

12. They’re spontaneous

13. They’re adventurous

14. They try new things and as they plan their future, they envision you in those plans.

15. Their smile fuels yours.

16. Just a few kind words are enough to sustain you for days.

17. They are wonderfully selfless when in love.

18. The good ones will supersede your every expectation.

19. They’re in awe of your goodness.

20. They recognise all of your good qualities.

21. They support your dreams

22. They help you achieve them.

23. They never stop encouraging you

24. They better you just by having them in your life.

Yep. Love them.

Easy one to work out this week and blissful to write. Thanks boys. Thanks men. Thanks Google. 

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