Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Love Tapestry

I’ve been surrounded by a lot of positivity recently... so much so that I think it would be beneficial to the world to have two of me, just to share the joy. Humility has never been my strength.

As positivity enters my life, amazing things keep happening. Some call it manifesting my reality by putting what I want out there, but being a believer in God, I think you do your bit, giving it all you have, and the rest is left to the big man upstairs to sort out and bring into fruition if it’s right for your life.

The reason I have doubts of ourselves as demi-Gods and as the sole makers of our own destiny is that I don’t believe someone like Kerrie-Anne Kennerley wished Cancer on herself this week – her determination might get her through the battle but being the healthiest she’s ever been, she certainly wasn’t asking for ill-health.

Some things are left to God – you can call it the universe or Mother Nature if you’re that way inclined. Love is one of those things that are left to the forces that are greater than us. Once we have it we work to keep it, but it's journey to us, doesn't always have something to do with how we brought it about. While everything you do should be done on purpose, everything that happens to us, isn't always our doing. That's a bit too much responsibility to bear. 

While we’re all deserving of love, we all receive it at different times and often when I survey those who have found it, there is a deep appreciation for true love coming when they needed it most. It came when they had experienced heartache and needed someone to help them heal, when they’d found completion in themselves and as a result were able to completely love someone back without being too needy, or when life had slowed down so they could finally give enough of themselves to sustain the relationships that they might have previously jeopardised or not prioritised.

My friend and I were discussing creative ideas and thought, imagine everyone had been given the time, date and name of the person who they would fall in love with? This is the desire of many single girls – the old, “I don’t care about being single but if I could just be told the day I was going to meet him, I could call off the search.” Guilty.  It’s a bit tragic and it got us thinking, if you actually had an answer, if you had that secret revealed to you, would you actually show up or would the idea of forever freak you out from arriving to your fate? Imagine your horror when you had dreamt up Ryan Gosling and you’re faced with Zach Galifianakis (without knowing how funny he is)?  What if Zach was your fate and you were perfectly suited to each other but you’d spent your youth fixated on the wrong person then missed out on your happily ever after? We already know that we miss 100% of the shots we don’t take. Would you take that shot and give yourself the chance to love the underdog?

Continuing in this vain, I thought what if you weren’t given a time or date but that in dreaming him up you could manifest your relationship reality? What would that include? Would you do whatever it took to reach him or her? 

I read an article about this today that detailed the many reasons why we need to reassess our priorities.  This personal review would start with a vision board and end (ideally) with a relationship.  The board is supposed to feature images of you with your crush/partner but the focus is not so much on the person as it is about the qualities that you admire.

The vision board acts as a remedy to your bad choices thus far. If you keep attracting the wrong type, if you fall into the same toxic patterns of dating those who are ill-suited to you, if you want a friend to turn lover, you are hoping to settle down with ‘the one’ or you just want to improve the relationship you already have, then a vision board is for you.

I will admit I’m sceptical but I’d hate to miss an opportunity because my mind was closed to an idea.
 Frank Zappa said “ a mind is like a parachute; it only works if it’s open,” so with an open mind, this image is the start of  my vision board (yes, it features Ryan Gosling and yes, this may be why I’m sceptical about it happening). Also Ryan Gosling would say, "you and I" at the end of that quote rather than "you and me." Good grammar is important and is also on the wish list.

Thomas Eddison said “opportunity is missed by most people because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work,” – who would you love to spend your love life working for and with?   What would your vision board include and if he had all the things you were hoping for, would you be brave enough to show up on the day you knew he was coming? 

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