Saturday, January 22, 2011

Delirium and the Accompaniment of Babble

I don’t know much about science but I do know that when biology is at play, chemistry can ignite. This week I learnt a valuable lesson in it, when a new equation; me + another = delirium became another algorithm I struggled with. It’s not rocket science but it’s just as difficult to figure out. The way you identify the creation of a new formula are fireworks and the insufficient supply of Carbon Dioxide when Biology kicks in and Chemistry bubbles, fizzes and overflows out of the flask that you thought you had a firm grip on. The flask is placed above the Bunsen burner, is well lit and it emits toxic gases that rush to one’s head, cloud one’s judgement and create the new formula; delirium. Delightful!

The equation comes together in grand gestures and the solution for heartbreak prevention is one part heart, two parts brain. The only cocktail allowed when emotions are fragile and waters are being tested.
The concoction is magical, groundbreaking and a medical phenomeonon – both a killer and a cure. 

The diagnosis is that it makes you clinically insane. 

The life expectancy is determined by a combination of things; 

a)      Is the other factor to the equation promising eternity? If yes, then follow your heart and you may have him for that long
b)      Is the other factor to the equation promising entrapment? If so, cute him loose
c)       Is the other factor only interested in the here and now? If so drop him, here and NOW!

With delirium at play, you will find your mind playing games with you, your heart beating a little faster, your mouth talking faster than your brain would ever allow it, but the illness has a cure and it’s entirely dependant on your will power. A friend of mine discussed a plan of action with me months ago on the way to counter prolonged symptoms; setting an expiration date at which point you stop questioning, stop wondering and re-start living, minus the other and thus minus the delirium. I hope you’re following. 

The idea behind setting an expiration date is that unless the end to delirium is a diamond, then the lack of oxygen that you are experiencing when the ‘other’ is around is a medical condition, in need of treatment. 

If this has all been too hard to follow then I’ll put it down to you having a stable relationship or a stable mind in which case you need no diagnosis, no oxygen mask, no cure. If you are at the start of new conquests, new shades of grey and are taking the road less travelled by then let expiration dates be your destination and your brain; your navigator – your heart will send you into delirium – the only formula they neglected to teach in science class.

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